
TransFamily Support Services Blog

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Press Release: SB 923 signed into California Law

Senate Bill 923, the TGI Inclusive Care Act has officially passed into law! During a time when many states are actively passing bills that attack the trans community, California taking concrete steps towards protecting the rights for transgender, gender diverse, ...

Check Out Our Bookstore!

Name: TransFamily Support Services Address: 12463 Rancho Bernardo Rd, Suite 218, San Diego, CA 92128 Website URL: We at TransFamily Support Services are so excited to share with you our new reading list on! By simply clicking here, ...

Gender Dysphoria & Me: Reef’s Journey

A little boy runs. He jumps into mud puddles, catches frogs, climbs trees. He plays outdoors ‘til mom calls him to come in for dinner. His brothers, mom, dad all sit at the table. “Let’s say grace.” Growing up in ...

Gender Dysphoria & Me: Mani’s Journey

I remember... I remember being corralled into segregated bathroom lines in preschool. Instinctively, my brain said "Why am I with the girls? I shouldn't be in this line, I should be with the boys." I remember being pulled out of ...

Gender Dysphoria & Me: Grey’s Journey

Artwork by Grey Zuniga On the cold tile of the singular gender neutral bathroom is where I feel safest. In the luxurious lawn chairs sprinkled throughout campus, sitting alone with the hum of the freeway and the chirping of ...
Mailing Address:
12463 Rancho Bernardo Rd. #218
San Diego, CA 92128
Tax ID 47-3880841

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