Building Inclusive Care & Education
Building Inclusive Care & Education
TransFamily Support Services (TFSS) TGI Cultural Competency Training for SB 923 Compliance
With California’s SB 923, healthcare providers must undergo transgender, gender non-conforming, and intersex (TGI) cultural competency training. TransFamily Support Services provides evidence-based training to help your team meet these requirements while fostering inclusive environments.

Our expert-led sessions will help your team:
– Understand gender identity spectrums
– Comply with current SB 923 laws and regulations
– Implement best practices for inclusive care
Empower Your Organization
Empower Your Organization
Led by seasoned professionals with over 20 years of experience, TFSS has trained over 10,000+ educators and healthcare employees, equipping them with the skills to support and care for TGI individuals effectively.

Participants will leave with:
– Practical strategies to improve patient care
– Tools to create safe, inclusive environments
– A deeper understanding of TGI healthcare needs

Kathie Moehlig (she/her/hers) is the Executive Director of TransFamily Support Services and the parent of a transgender youth. She is an outspoken educator supporting transgender and non-binary youth and their families. A tireless advocate for the LGBTQ community, she was named “Woman of the Year” by then California Assemblyperson Todd Gloria and one of the “Best People of San Diego” by CityBeat Magazine. A certified life coach, parenting instructor, and motivational speaker, Kathie’s work has been featured in the New York Times, the San Diego Union-Tribune, and NBC News. She regularly crisscrosses the county to work with families, schools, healthcare professionals, and organizations to promote understanding, inclusion, and equality.

Evan Johnson (they/them/theirs) is a nonbinary person of Romani descent and the Training Specialist for TransFamily Support Services (TFSS). They’ve fostered connection and understanding over the past eight years by sharing their own journey as transgender youth, student, and young professional with many audiences, from national conferences to local organizations. Evan has a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and helps train people in all settings — healthcare, legal, education, and other environments — on gender diversity and policy. They are dedicated to educating, advocating, learning, and listening to create a safer world for all trans and gender diverse youth.
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