TransYouth Care Symposium

15-hour virtual training tailored for dedicated medical and mental health professionals, as well as interns.

Welcome to Transyouth Care Symposium – your gateway to advancing expertise in gender-diverse youth care. Our comprehensive 15-hour virtual training is meticulously designed for dedicated professionals committed to providing sensitive and competent care, mental health and medical care.

Earn CEUs for mental health providers and nursing, solidifying a robust foundation in sensitive and competent virtual care.

Secure your spot now and be part of Transyouth Care Symposium – where expertise, experience, and inclusivity converge to shape the future of gender-diverse youth care.

Comprehensive Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  • Understand the pivotal role of parental support in the psychosocial development of GNC youth
  • Acknowledge the impact of gender dysphoria on the psychosocial well-being of GNC youth
  • Articulate the significance of early mental health and medical treatment for transgender youth
  • Identify gender dysphoria symptoms in transgender adolescents per DSM-V guidelines
  • Grasp the unique developmental tasks of transgender youth compared to their peers
  • Comprehend the role of pubertal suppression medication in Pubertal GNC/youth
  • Define the domains of biopsychosexual development

Event Details:


Dr. Aydin Olson-Kennedy, DSW, MSW, LCSW
Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, MD
Darlene Tando, LCSW


April 25 & 26
May 4 & 5

Bienvenido al Transyouth Care Symposium – su puerta de entrada para avanzar en la experiencia en la atención a los jóvenes de género diverso. Nuestra formación virtual integral de 15 horas está meticulosamente diseñada para profesionales dedicados y comprometidos a proporcionar una atención sensible y competente de salud mental y atención médica. Gane CEUs para los proveedores de salud mental y enfermería, solidificando una base sólida en la atención virtual sensible y competente.

Asegure su espacio ahora y sea parte del Simposio de Atención a Transyouth – donde los conocimientos, la experiencia y la inclusión convergen para dar forma al futuro de la atención a los jóvenes de género diverso.

Objetivos generales de aprendizaje:

Los participantes:

  • Comprenderán el papel fundamental del apoyo de los padres en el desarrollo psicosocial de los jóvenes con GNC.
  • Reconocerán el impacto de la disforia de género en el bienestar psicosocial de los jóvenes GNC.
  • Explicar la importancia de un tratamiento médico y de salud mental precoz para los jóvenes transgénero.
  • Identificar los síntomas de disforia de género en adolescentes transgénero según las guías DSM-V
  • Comprender las características únicas del desarrollo de los jóvenes transgénero en comparación con sus compañeros.
  • Comprender el papel de la medicación de supresión de pubertad en GNC/jóvenes pubertos
  • Definir los dominios del desarrollo biopsicosexual

Detalles del evento:


Dr. Aydin Olson-Kennedy, DSW, MSW, LCSW
Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, MD
Darlene Tando, LCSW


25 y 26 de abril
4 y 5 de mayo

Group rates for 5+ from same agency. Contact for code.


Johanna Olson-Kennedy, M.D. (She/Her)

Johanna Olson-Kennedy, MD is an Adolescent Medicine physician specializing in the clinical care of gender diverse children and transgender youth. Board certified in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Dr. Olson-Kennedy an Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the USC Keck School of Medicine. She is the Medical Director of The Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles, the largest transgender youth clinic in the United States and has been providing medical intervention for transgender youth and young adults including puberty suppression and gender affirming hormones for the past fifteen years. Dr. Olson-Kennedy has appeared frequently on national television, and spoken locally and internationally to educate providers, parents, and other communities about the needs of transgender youth

Aydin Olson-Kennedy, LCSW (He/Him)

Aydin Olson-Kennedy (he/him) is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has worked within the trans community for over fifteen years. Aydin is passionate about decolonizing mental health care by dismantling the gatekeeper model and depathologizing the trans experience. Informed by his years of clinical experience and experiences as a trans person, Aydin aims to expand providers’ and parents’ understanding of gender dysphoria through an intersectional lens. He is passionate about working with parents and families of trans and non-binary children of all ages, offering them a safe space to navigate the complex feelings that often arise when parenting a trans child in a cisgender world.

Darlene Tando, LCSW (She/Her)

Darlene Tando, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, has a private practice in San Diego and has been working with transgender youth and adults since 2006. Darlene provides consultations and ongoing therapy for gender-expansive/transgender children, adolescents, and adults. Darlene writes a gender blog (Found Here) on which she writes about all things gender-related.

Darlene is a proponent of the Informed Consent model and believes the individual is the “expert” on one’s own gender identity.  She believes it is her role to support the individual and family to assist in making one’s journey easier. Darlene is the author of the book “The Conscious Parent’s Guide to Gender Identity: A Mindful Approach to Embracing Your Child’s Authentic Self”.

Questions about this event?

Contact us today. | 858-304-0085